flower, gardening


The spring is slowly making its way to north. We had a beautiful and warm spring day followed by a rainy day, and then came the snowstorm. 

Eastern brought daffodils to the stores and I ended up buying Carlton (Narcissus ‘Carlton’) which is now starting to bloom beautifully.

Still few weeks to go before I am able to go to the summer cottage. Waiting for it impatiently. It has been a long time. The last time I have been there was in August.

flower, gardening

Peaches and Cream

The warm days are now over up here in the north and a cold water front has arrived. Time to take it easy and listen the rain in the warmth of a fireplace.

Luckily I managed to do most of the things before the bad weather and the garden is now in decent condition. Though it will be very modest this year and I am going to stick with the varieties that are familiar to me and easy to tend.

Before the rain started I managed to capture photos of the blooming Peaches and Cream (Narcissus ‘Peaches and Cream’). It did well when it comes to wintering and is now at its best.

flower, gardening

Ice Follies

This year’s first thunderstorm came early and took me by surprise. Not that strong yet but cooled the air and gave some rain.

The past few days have been nice, warm and summer like. Perfect for gardening and all the spring activities. I sure have plenty to do even though decided to take it easy this year.

Managed to get a week off from work and now in the summer cottage. Seems that I am not the only one in a hurry to complete all the tasks. Most of the birds have already arrived and the nesting season has began. Just love to watch the hustle in the birdhouses.

The daffodil season is at its best. The Ice Follies (Narcissus ‘Ice Follies’) are blooming nicely and the variety has proven to be a good reliable choice.

flower, gardening


I still have few pictures in my phone from the spring. Daffodils are now gone and we need to wait the whole year to see them again.

Tahiti (Narcissus ‘Tahiti’) bloomed beautifully in May and managed to take a photo when they were at their best.

Summer has finally arrived to the north. After a cool May we have had quite nice weather up here in the north for change.

flower, gardening


It has been cool spring up here in the north and daffodils are still at their best. The late spring means that the tulip season is just about to begin.

The Strikes (Narcissus ‘strike’) have enjoyed the coldness and are blooming by the lake.

I do not have many vacation days this summer which has meant way less plants than normally. The simple reason is that I am not here to water them. Luckily the perennials are there to brighten the flowerbeds.

flower, gardening

Peaches and Cream

Spring is late this year up here in the north. We still have plenty of snow left and during the nighttime we go below the freezing point.

Hopefully it starts to get warmer soon. It would be nice to start the gardening activities.

Bought one more daffodil variety called Peaches and Cream (Narcissus ‘Peaches and Cream’). The center of the bloom will become darker once the bloom grows older. When opening it is lighter in the beginning.


Ice Wings

Found one daffodil variety I do not yet have in the garden. Ice Wings (Narcissus ‘Ice Wings’) is a beautiful white variety.

As a triandrus narcissus, it usually carries multiple flowers on every flowering stem.

I am going to continue my hunt for more varieties but decided that three new ones is enough for this year. Otherwise I end up having the car full when I move them to the summer cottage.

flower, gardening


It has been beautiful spring day up here in the north. Have spend it walking in the city center and enjoying a restaurant lunch now that the corona restrictions have been removed.

We still have plenty of snow left and need to wait more than a month before being able to do anything in the garden. This winter was white and cannot remember when we have had this much snow.

Noticed Tete-a-Tete Daffodils (Narcissus‘Tete-a-Tete’) in the nearby grocery store and bought the first daffodils of the year.

I will try to find some new varieties this year and do the same thing I do every year. Once the daffodils have bloomed I will take them to the summer cottage and plant them for the forthcoming springs.
